Home Investment Can I get Disability for Spondylosis?

Can I get Disability for Spondylosis?


Yes, you may meet all requirements for Social Security Disability!

With regards to Spondylosis, Social Security will need to determine what your “Leftover Functional Capacity” or “RFC” is and afterward determine if that RFC fits the requirements to be considered debilitating. In addition to sorting out your RFC, Social Security will likewise need to determine which of several sets of requirements apply to you based on factors such as your age, education, and work insight.

For instance, a 60-year-old or someone with a history of factory workers will have an easier case than a 40-year-old or someone with a history of office work.

These cases consistently come down to get your doctor to state in the clinical record how long will be absent and afterward convincing the Judge to believe your doctor. This can be an extremely troublesome task and is the reason it is so essential to have an accomplished Social Security Disability Lawyer on your side that can deal with the entirety of the details to guarantee all means are appropriately taken.

The Social Security Disability Application process is a lengthy one and consists of two levels: Initial Application and Hearing. There are likewise appeals after the hearing level, yet they are more uncommon and less powerful than the two principal levels.

You will need to begin by filing your Initial Application. At the point when an individual initially applies for Social Security Disability, it is known as the Initial level. It for the most part takes around 4-6 months to get a decision back. The Disability Examiner will demand clinical records and gather proof based on the information gave in your application. On the off chance that there is an absence of proof or clarification is required, a Consultative Exam (CE) might be planned. At the point when the record is finished, or all clinical proof has been processed, a Medical Examiner will settle on a decision.

On the off chance that your application was denied at the Initial Level, the following is the Hearing level. Once the Request for Hearing has been filed, the document is sent to the neighborhood hearing office. A hearing is then booked and the petitioner shows up under the steady gaze of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), who settles on a decision based on clinical records and testimonies from the inquirer and master observers. At this hearing, we would represent you, and present to the ALJ all the clinical proof we have gathered together. This entire process takes 12-18 months (longer in other states), yet has the highest success rate.

What are my odds? Nationwide, 83% of all Social Security Disability claims are affirmed when represented by an attorney. This drops to 21% when you do not have an attorney.

In the event that you might want to talk with one of our committed Social Security Disability attorneys here in Grand Rapids, Michigan about your Spondylosis, please Contact Us today to plan a free arrangement. We cover all of West-Michigan, so regardless of whether you are down in Kalamazoo, over in Lansing, or up in Traverse City, please don’t hesitate to call us at (616) 710-4064.